Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Quantum Psychology - An Introduction to Conditions

Often times people are aware of instances or events which fall decidedly outside the rubric of normal human experience. These events may be so fleeting that they bare only the slightest mental recognition, or they can shape the course of a person's entire life. These strange events or series of events that I am discussing do not often make there way into interpersonal communication, due to fear of ridicule, judgment or manipulation. We are all to often aware of even the slightest shift in mental function, so as to suspect ourselves or others of mental illness or insanity. This attitude is very much a part of the culture of the age we live in, inasmuch as it is spawned from our broken (highly dysfunctional) paradigm. Our portion of our paradigm which is responsible for our concepts of mental health and cognitive function are (as I have mentioned before) horribly lacking. What these events should show us is that we need to redefine mental health as well as dysfunction. We are not finite beings, living in a finite world. Why should our psychology reflect this blatant misunderstanding, rather than the truth we see around us everyday? That being said, I would discuss some phenomena which often get mislabeled and misunderstood, causing great personal pain and suffering. (Having spent many years working in the Mental Health Community, some of these examples come from people's stories and experiences - no names or identifying marks will be used.) The first event or condition I will discuss is one which is common to in-patient psych. wards all over the world. That condition is one of recursive and self perpetuating logic which appears to be otherworldly. A person may persist in this "fantasy world" until all semblance of their former "reality" and "identity" is lost. This can be a temporary condition, taking on many different flavors and textures of behavior and cognition. Clinicians are quick to label these conditions of alternate mental function with a clinically accepted diagnosis, BECAUSE THAT'S HOW THEY GET PAID FOR THEIR WORK, and it fits their current paradigm of how the "mentally ill" are supposed to be "treated." The treatment is invariably a mix of psychopharmacological and cognitive therapy (pills, talking and Behavioral Modification.) The complex structure of the human body as well as the Personal or Cell Mind is often averse to these chemical compounds, many of which can have toxic effects. (Read the book Toxic Psychiatry by: Peter R. Breggin for more on this issue.) Since the current paradigm dismisses any possibility of other causes, the root cause of all these conditions must stem within this "world" and with that individual's personal life experience, whether intrinsic or extrinsic. Many clinicians are just beginning to understand the role of an individual's ability to affect their own physical body by way of emotion and thought. Right from the very start of human history, those individuals with different default settings and different mental function have faced unique obstacles. In antiquity they have been afforded some unique positions: oracles, seers, medicine men and women, workers in magical arts, advisers to kings and queens. Many of these people clearly functioned with an alternate mental set from that of their peers. All to often they have been taken advantage of, mistreated, ridiculed, branded like cattle, carted off into dungeons or forced into the wilderness to make their way alone. We owe an infinite debt of compassion and understanding to the "mentally aberrant," the "mentally ill," and those referred to as "idiot savants." It is through the eyes of madness that we often find the answers we have sought. They also offer us the unique ability to better understand our own mental function, or rather, dysfunction. Think about this for a moment, what kind of logic says that because the majority of people display a given set of functional parameters, that anything other than that set of parameters must be labeled as defective? Why not say that the outliers represent a unique class of individuals, rather than try to bang them into the most common state, that of the majority. Who says that the best possible state of mental function is that which matches that which is most common and most predictable?

Below follows a brief list of conditions:

Temporal Shift - These are specific conditions characterized by movement (or perception of movement) through the 4th dimension (time) which is incongruous with the normal progression of temporal flow, (moment by moment, past-to-present-to-future.)

Temporal Shift I. - This condition is characterized by a "skipping" forward or backward in time. This event is an isolated occurrence.

Temporal Shift Ir. would designate a repeating pattern of temporal shifts.

Temporal Shift II. - This condition is characterized by perpetual shifting in and out of temporal segments or "streams." A person with this condition is likely to be suffering from a debilitating genetic disorder or to have had a severe head trauma.

Interdimensional-Transuniversal Shift - This condition is normally caused by willful action, (Quantum Travel.) This condition causes the individual to shift from one dimension into another.

Trans-dimensional Interference - Also known as Trans-universal Interference, this condition is often mistaken for psychosis, it is characterized by a pattern of invasive foreign logic* and information interfering with native logic* and related information. This condition can occur during dreaming, but the mind's natural defenses against foreign logic are usually able to convert it into nonsensical data. This condition is brought about by an accidental or willful disabling of this natural function of the mind. Invasive logic or information patterns may be intermittent or constant to varying degrees. Willful TDI can be achieved in altered states of consciousness, modified alpha states, lucid dreaming, meditative trances, times of trauma, coma or death and during "deep state hypnosis."

Foreign logic - is defined as any sensory input which is derived from a universe which does not share the initial conditions of the recipient's native universe. This logic may corrupt the natural or native logic of the recipient, causing disparities between perception and cognition as well as abnormal and dysfunctional behavior. Functionality is based upon coherence with native logic and the generation of like thought patterns and behavior. Native logic is derived from the initial conditions and natural laws of the universe around us, our local universe. Without native logic we are unable to form thought patterns and behavior which will mesh with the universe that we reside in (we would be "dysfunctional.")

Invasive Foreign Logic - is defined as any foriegn logic which is being transmitted either willfully or accidentally by a source outside the recipient's native universe and multiverse. This form of foreign logic often causes the warping of consciousness as it slowly and steadily replaces the native logic of the recipient. Foreign logic which is from another universe within the individual's local multiverse is compatible with that of their native logic. Initial conditions from native logic, native logic dictates all forms of information patterns within that system.

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