Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Filter

In a previous entry I discussed how the Personal mind (and to some extent the brain and nervous system) act as a kind of anchor, tethering us within the reality in which we function. It must also be understood that the mind has another very important function which is not accepted by modern psychology or by our current paradigm including those of science and medicine. The mind's second misunderstood function is that of a filter. The mind and the human nervous system act to reduce the stimuli which is allowed to approach the foreground of conscious awareness. If we were allowed to experience the entirety of the life we live, singly (as an individual human being,) we would completely overload every cell within our bodies and we would perish in a single moment of unparalleled agony and ecstasy. If we were to be allowed to mentally experience this same experience the result would be an overload and shut-down of mental processing, possibly death, coma or black-out. The filters of our mind and our body are part of our mind and body's default settings, or operating parameters. The human body (like all the individual cells within it) is written into manifestation by intelligent patterns of information. The physical manifestation of these patterns is DNA, RNA and their related proteins (the result of course, is our living physical body.) The mental manifestation of these patterns is the Personal (or Cell) mind. It is this conscious, self-aware portion of the human mind that we often identify as the "self." It is well known that every cell within our body possesses certain functional traits, certain values for energy potentials, and operational parameters, (values for: pH, temperature, pressure, salinity- just to name a few,) these values are very specific any overload can cause the death of the cell. The mind holds within it the same system for regulation and control of volatile energies. (It is important to remember that I am not discussing the human brain, but the mind.) If one tries to understand the macro-structure of the human mind one must understand that the Personal mind acts much like a cell would within the human body. The Personal mind has definite limits and default settings which are designed to produce very specific effects, just like cells in the body. Similarly, one could view the macro-structure of the 5th dimensional form of the human body (the version of yourself which is infinitely realized within the 5th dimension) as being composed of cells which are actually individual human bodies. This previous statement does not appear to make sense, because this world is set up with logic that is functional for a 4 dimensional reality set, and our minds are suffused with this 4th dimensional logic. We can easily understand concepts which are common to this universe's native logic, those concepts outside it may be very difficult to understand if not impossible.* The price we often pay for accepting foreign logic into our Personal mind is that of dysfunctionality within our native universe.

It was Aldous Huxley who I first recall having described the brain to be a reducing filter of sorts, in his work entitled, "The Doors of Perception/ Heaven and Hell."

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