Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Trinity of Consciousness

I would like to explore the idea of consciousness or living existence, as it relates to my theory of The Trinity of Consciousness. We can imagine that each individual contains within their finite physical body a finite amount of conscious and cognitive power. This finite system is derived from the collective consciousness of each and every cell in that body (including but not limited to the brain and central nervous system.) As I have discussed before, we don't actually have an accurate figure for how many cells are in the average human being, at any given time, only a few guesses ranging from 10-100 trillion. This finite system of consciousness (I call this the "Personal Mind") is very powerful, and functions in multiple facets of life simultaneously and effortlessly. The Personal Mind can be said to be finite in quality and in quantity. But when we explore the human consciousness we do not find a powerful but finite consciousness, instead we find an infinite consciousness imbued with the complexity of the very universe we live in. The reason for this paradox is that each individual person is functioning much like a cell in a body would. Individuals are integrated seamlessly within a society of mind (I call the "Perfect Mind") This collective mind is composed of an infinite number of parallel versions of that exact individual's minds, living within an infinite spectrum of time and space, throughout the entire Omniverse. The Perfect Mind can be said to be finite in quality but infinite in quantity. The final portion of the consciousness which we know as the human mind (I call the "God Mind.") It is this portion of the mind that is literally creating the universe we live in right now as we speak. It manifests everything, it is present in all things. The God Mind can be thought of as a representation of the collective consciousness of all beings throughout all time and space, it is infinite in both quantity and quality. It is outside of the confines of manifest structure and all that has limit. The God Mind can be said to be both infinite in quality and in quantity. Each of these three portions of the mind is integral to the function of the whole as a living breathing dynamic system of consciousness. Each part is intermeshed seamlessly so that intercommunication is automatic and inherent to the function of that system. Without the consciousness within each cell of our body we would have no Personal Mind. Without the connection to other Personal Minds and versions of ourself we would lack the limitless capacity inherent in human consciousness. Without the connection to all living things through the God Mind we would lack the fundamental ability to extend ourselves spiritually and metaphysically, we would lack divinity and the nobility which we cherish within the human spirit.

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