Monday, July 20, 2009

Quantum Psychology Explained (Further)

In my previous post "The Trinity Of Consciousness" we explored the concepts of the three aspects of the human mind. (It is important to remember 1. that the concept and term "mind" refers not to a physical system 'such as the human brain,' but a mental, psychic, spiritual or metaphysical system of integrated "I consciousness." 2. This system is manifest into our material universe* by way of our physical body. 3. This physical body's cells all contain a portion of that consciousness, so that the Personal Mind arises from the cell-consciousness of the entire body.) It is logical to believe that the human brain, particularly its cerebrum acts as a kind of central processing unit, the common mistake is to view this processing center as the whole of the operation. Modern psychology as well as neurology and the medical community view the human brain and its central nervous system to be the root cause for human consciousness. This mind-body problem is the cause of great frustration of the whole in psychology and philosophy. In the field of psychology, promoters of Gestalt Theory admit that "the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts" as it relates to consciousness and cognitive processing. The work of Psychologists such as Jean Piaget and Carl Jung come closest to embracing this brave new paradigm. There are a few other psychologists who's work I appreciate, namely Erik Erikson and Viktor Frankl. The works of Erik Erikson are critical to understanding the cognitive development of a growing child. Frankl's logotherapy as described in his best selling "Man's Search For Meaning" is quite possibly the single greatest work ever written on the subject of self worth. As I have said before, excluding the precious few examples of enlightenment, modern medicine and psychology, as a lot, are not yet willing to admit that their current paradigm lacks the ability to explain consciousness. It cannot actually fulfill its expressed purpose - to explain and predict human behavior in a meaningful and cohesive manner. The principle reason that modern psychology struggles to realize itself as a quantifiable science, is that it refuses to realize the true nature of the human being. All the sciences lack this foundation of wisdom, and so we continue to see study after study where any new evidence is made to fit the older established paradigm.
* I have noted on previous occasions that our universe is expressed or manifest in physical terms by conscious will or "mind." I am not merely asserting that all is "mind" This concept is known as "idealism," but that the root cause for all manifestations (including this physical universe) is an intelligent pattern of sacred geometry, woven into multidimensional space and time. For more information about the mind - body problem and philosophy of mind read this article on Wikipedia "Philosophy of mind."

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